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Renew Client/Server Certs

Creating New Certs

If you set up your network following the quickstart guides, your PKI will have client and server certs for the controller's control plane and edge/API plane.

Setup Environment Variables

The following environment variables are the minimum required to renew a cert with the script. These can be obtained through the .env file for your network. However, it is recommended that the FILE_NAME_ROOT value is different than the existing (expired) cert filenames so a new cert will be created rather than overwriting the existing cert.

# Path to the network PKI root folder
export ZITI_PKI="/home/ubuntu/.ziti/quickstart/homeassistant2/pki"

# The DNS entries the PKI should be valid for
export DNS_ALLOW_LIST="localhost,homeassistant2"

# The IP addresses the PKI should be valid for
export IP_ALLOW_LIST=","

Control Plane Certs

The following values are unique to control plane certs as the edge/API plane will have its own CA and certs. Update these values as they pertain to your network PKI setup.

export ZITI_CA_NAME="homeassistant2-intermediate"
export FILE_NAME_ROOT="homeassistant2-new"

Server Cert

source /dev/stdin <<< "$(wget -qO-"; expressInstall
ziti pki create server --pki-root="${ZITI_PKI}" --ca-name "${ZITI_CA_NAME}" \
--server-file "${FILE_NAME_ROOT}-server" \
--dns "${DNS_ALLOW_LIST}" --ip "${IP_ALLOW_LIST}" \
--server-name "${FILE_NAME_ROOT} server certificate"

Client Cert

ziti pki create client --pki-root="${ZITI_PKI}" --ca-name "${ZITI_CA_NAME}" \
--client-file "${FILE_NAME_ROOT}-client" \
--key-file "${FILE_NAME_ROOT}-server" \
--client-name "${FILE_NAME_ROOT}"

Edge / API Certs

Update environment for edge certs

The following values are unique to edge/API plane certs as the control plane will have its own CA and certs. Update these values as they pertain to your network PKI setup.

export ZITI_CA_NAME=""
export FILE_NAME_ROOT=""

Server Cert

ziti pki create server --pki-root="${ZITI_PKI}" --ca-name "${ZITI_CA_NAME}" \
--server-file "${FILE_NAME_ROOT}-server" \
--dns "${DNS_ALLOW_LIST}" --ip "${IP_ALLOW_LIST}" \
--server-name "${FILE_NAME_ROOT} server certificate"

Client Cert

ziti pki create client --pki-root="${ZITI_PKI}" --ca-name "${ZITI_CA_NAME}" \
--client-file "${FILE_NAME_ROOT}-client" \
--key-file "${FILE_NAME_ROOT}-server" \
--client-name "${FILE_NAME_ROOT}"

Update Controller Config

If the original files were overwritten, no change is needed. However, if new files were generated alongside existing files, the controller config identity and web-->identity sections need the cert, server_cert, and key fields updated to point to the new client, server certs and key. Note that the key is auto-generated when creating the certs.

Now, restart the controller and double check to ensure the certificates are now valid.