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Kubernetes Sidecar Proxy


This guide shows you how to access a Ziti service with a non-Ziti client application that's running in a Kubernetes pod. To provide access to the service, we will deploy the ziti-tunnel container as a sidecar in a pod with a demo client app.

This guide also demonstrates ziti-tunnel's internal DNS server, which allows us to access Ziti services by hostname instead of IP address.

Diagram of solution

Here's some detail on how the various intercept modes work on Linux


  • Complete the Minikube Quickstart. This guide uses the Ziti Controller and Ziti Edge Router that are created in the Minikube Quickstart.
  • Admin-level access to a Kubernetes cluster via kubectl.

Create and Enroll an Identity

This guide will re-use the Ziti service "testapi-service", a REST API demo server, that was created in the quickstart.

  1. We will create a new identity for our client app with the correct role to grant access to the Ziti service.

    ziti edge create identity device sidecar-client \
    --jwt-output-file /tmp/sidecar-client.jwt --role-attributes testapi-clients
  2. Enroll the identity.

    ziti edge enroll /tmp/sidecar-client.jwt

Restore the Quickstart KUBECONFIG If Necessary

You can restore the KUBECONFIG context from the Minikube quickstart like this if you switched contexts after running it.

minikube --profile miniziti update-context

Save the Identity in a Kubernetes Secret

The ziti-tunnel sidecar will access its identity by mounting a Kubernetes secret in the container.

kubectl create secret generic "sidecar-client-identity" \

Deploy the Pod

Deploy a Pod that runs a non-Ziti demo client application and ziti-tunnel as a sidecar proxy. For this demonstration, the client application is wget. Our Pod sends a POST request to the demo testapi server in a loop so we can see the response in the log.

  1. Find the CoreDNS cluster service IP address.

    You need to update the deployment manifest with the CoreDNS CLUSTER-IP address before you deploy. This is because the ziti-tunnel sidecar provides an override nameserver for the pod, so we need to inject the CoreDNS nameserver as fallback resolver for non-Ziti names because ziti-tunnel itself will not answer queries for non-Ziti DNS names.

    kubectl --namespace kube-system get services kube-dns
  2. Save the following to a file named /tmp/sidecar-demo.yaml.

    # /tmp/sidecar-demo.yaml
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: ziti-tunnel-sidecar-demo
    replicas: 1
    app: ziti-tunnel-sidecar-demo
    type: Recreate
    app: ziti-tunnel-sidecar-demo
    - image: stedolan/jq
    name: testclient
    - sh
    - -c
    - |
    while true; do
    set -x
    wget --quiet \
    --output-document=- \
    --post-data ziti=awesome \
    http://testapi.ziti/post \
    | jq .data
    set +x
    sleep 3
    - image: openziti/ziti-tunnel
    name: ziti-tunnel
    args: ["tproxy"]
    value: sidecar-client # the filename in the volume is sidecar-client.json
    - name: sidecar-client-identity
    mountPath: /netfoundry
    readOnly: true
    dnsPolicy: None
    - # used by Ziti tunnel during startup to verify own DNS for the pod
    - # change to CoreDNS cluster service address
    restartPolicy: Always
    - name: sidecar-client-identity
    secretName: sidecar-client-identity

    You'll notice that the ziti-tunnel sidecar container has a few requirements:

    1. The basename (sans suffix) of the identity that is assumed by ziti-tunnel must be passed into the container with the ZITI_IDENTITY_BASENAME environment variable.
    2. The secret that we created above for the enrolled identity must be mounted into the container at "/netfoundry".
  3. Once the manifest YAML is saved, we can deploy the pod with kubectl

    kubectl apply -f /tmp/sidecar-demo.yaml

Check the Logs

  1. Find the name of the pod that Kubernetes deployed for us.

    $ kubectl get pods
    ziti-tunnel-sidecar-demo-749c476989-6wpfn 1/1 Running 0 42s
  2. Tail the logs for the "testclient" container inside the pod. The first few attempts didn't get a reply because the tunnel was starting up.

    $ kubectl logs --follow ziti-tunnel-sidecar-demo-749c476989-6wpfn --container testclient
    + wget --quiet --output-document=- --post-data ziti=awesome http://testapi.ziti/post
    + jq .data
    + set +x
    + wget --quiet --output-document=- --post-data ziti=awesome http://testapi.ziti/post
    + jq .data
    + set +x
    + wget --quiet --output-document=- --post-data ziti=awesome http://testapi.ziti/post
    + jq .data
    + set +x
    + wget --quiet --output-document=- --post-data ziti=awesome http://testapi.ziti/post
    + jq .data
    + set +x
    + wget --quiet --output-document=- --post-data ziti=awesome http://testapi.ziti/post
    + jq .data

Notice that the wget client is using the DNS name that we provided in the Ziti service definition to make the request.