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Authentication Policies

Authentication Policies restrict the primary authentication methods available to identities and may enforce additional secondary authentication factors. Ziti is deployed with a default authentication policy that has the id default. This authentication policy may be updated, but not deleted. This default authentication policy is used when identities are created and an authentication policy is not specified.

Example: Authentication Policy

"createdAt": "2022-05-20T14:02:53.359Z",
"id": "default",
"tags": {},
"updatedAt": "2022-05-20T14:02:53.359Z",
"name": "Default",
"primary": {
"cert": {
"allowExpiredCerts": true,
"allowed": true
"extJwt": {
"allowed": true,
"allowedSigners": null
"updb": {
"allowed": true,
"lockoutDurationMinutes": 0,
"maxAttempts": 0
"secondary": {
"requireTotp": false,
"requireExtJwt": ""


An authentication policy is split into two separate major sections:

  • primary - initial authentication to establish the authenticating principal
  • secondary - additional MFA authentication challenges


The primary section allow or disposals various authentication mechanisms used to establish the initial principal (identity) authenticating. A viable authentication policy must allow at least one primary authentication mechanism.

  • cert - x509 certificate based authentication
  • extJwt - externally signed JWT bearer tokens
  • updb - "username password database" which power traditional username/password authentication

Certificate (cert)


  • allowed - enables/disabled x509 certificate authentication
  • allowExpiredCerts - allows expired client certificates to authenticate

When certificate authentication is allowed, client certificates issued by the Ziti PKI and any verified and enabled 3rd Party CAs become valid authentication paths. When disabled an identity will not be able to authenticate with any client certificate.

If allowExpiredCerts is true, client certificate expiration will be ignored during validation. This setting is useful in scenarios where client are running software that has lapsed and cannot be re-enrolled or their client certificates cannot be updated. Clients do have an API available to them to roll existing Ziti PKI issued client certificates forward. Client certificates issued by a 3rd Party CAs must have an external process to maintain client certificate validity if allowExpiredCerts is false.

External JWT Signers (extJwt)


  • allowed - whether external JWTs may be used for authentication
  • allowedSigners - the ids of valid External JWT Signers

If allowed is true the External JWT Signers specified in the allowedSigners field may be used for authentication.

Username Password (updb)

  • allowed - whether UPDB may be used for authentication
  • maxAttempts - the maximum number of invalid logins allowed before an identity is locked for lockoutDurationMinutes, 0 for never
  • lockoutDurationMinutes - the number of minutes to lock identities after maxAttempts is reached, 0 for forever


The secondary section contain only two top-level configuration values:

  • requireTotp - if true authenticating clients must have MFA TOTP enabled
  • requireExtJwt - if set to an id of an External JWT Signer every request must have a valid JWT in the HTTP Authentication header